Where are the trail tournament campsites located?

  What are the accepted types of measuring boards?

    • A kayak fishing measuring board is a specialized tool used by anglers who fish from kayaks to measure the length of the fish they catch.

    • Ketch boards and the Yakattack Leader Board will be the only acceptable measuring boards for all Team Brother Fishing tournaments.

    • These measuring boards are also available in a multitude of color combinations. Any measuring board of any color can be used in Team Brother fishing tournaments as long as the measurements are clear and easy to decipher. The judges have the right to reject a submission if its measurements are unclear.

   Are electric motors allowed?

    • Absolutely no motors of any sort are permitted.

Can I fish using earthworms?

  • No, only artificial lures are permitted. No live bait, preserved bait, or prepared bait will be allowed during the competition. In the event of a violation, disqualification from the event will be enforced.

How do I create a shortcut of the TBF website on my phone's home screen?


Safari :

  1. Open Safari and navigate to the website you want to add to the home screen.
  2. Tap the Share icon at the bottom of the screen (it looks like a square with an arrow pointing up).
  3. Scroll down and tap on "Add to Home Screen."
  4. Customize the name of the shortcut if desired, then tap "Add" in the top right corner.

Chrome :

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to the website you want to add to the home screen.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select "Add to Home screen" from the menu.
  4. Customize the name of the shortcut if desired, then tap "Add" in the pop-up dialog box.

Rules & Regulations : La Trail & Frozen Bass.

  1. From 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Main Event. At 3:30 PM - Prize Giving Ceremony (We kindly request you to arrive earlier for the first event, please.)
  2. Five (5) combined bass per team, with a minimum size of 12 inches for the smallest specimen.
  3. Ketch boards and the Yakattack Leader Board will be the only acceptable measuring boards for all Team Brother Fishing tournaments.
  4. Photo with bass on measure. The photo must be clear to distinguish the length of the fish. The bass should have its mouth closed as much as possible.
  5. No motors are allowed.
  6. Maintain a certain distance between you and the angler near you.
  7. Wear a personal flotation device at all times or penalties, including disqualification, will apply.
  8. Follow the instructions given that morning.
  9. It is compulsory to report your presence at the designated table.
  10. Each team is entitled to one substitute angler in the event of absence, and may not subsequently change substitutes. No fee will be charged to the substitute, but he/she will not be able to take part in the draw. He/she may, however, take part in the draw for door prizes on the table.
  11. Only artificial lures are permitted. No live bait, preserved bait, or prepared bait will be allowed during the competition. In the event of a violation, disqualification from the event will be enforced.

Rules and Regulations: Kayak Survivor.

  1. The tournament comprises 60 anglers (ten teams of 6). It comprises three phases with three elimination rounds:
  2. Phase 1: 07:00 to 12:00. There are 4 eliminations and 6 teams move on to the next phase.
    Phase 2: 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. There are 4 eliminations and two teams advance to the final round.
    Phase 3: 16:00 to 19:00 with one elimination.
  3. At the end of each phase, each team's totals are reset to zero.
  4. At the end of each phase, all teams must return to the starting point. This helps prevent cheating. For example, if a fisherman catches a fish at 11:58, he could potentially keep it in a net until 12:00, then record this fish to count towards the total for phase 2.
  5. 5 bass combined per team, with a minimum size of 12 inches for the smallest specimen.
  6. Ketch boards and the Yakattack Leader Board will be the only acceptable measuring boards for all Team Brother Fishing tournaments.
  7. Photographie, Relâche.
  8. Photo with bass on measure. The photo must be clear to distinguish the length of the fish. The bass should have its mouth closed as much as possible.
  9. No motors are allowed.
  10. Maintain a certain distance between you and the angler near you.
  11. Wear a personal flotation device at all times or penalties, including disqualification, will apply.
  12. Follow the instructions given that morning.
  13. It is compulsory to report your presence at the designated table.
  14. Each team is entitled to one substitute angler in the event of absence, and may not subsequently change substitutes. No fee will be charged to the substitute, but he/she will not be able to take part in the draw. He/she may, however, take part in the draw for door prizes on the table.
  15. Only artificial lures are permitted. No live bait, preserved bait, or prepared bait will be allowed during the competition. In the event of a violation, disqualification from the event will be enforced.

Rules and Regulations: UNI-T.

  1. Fishing time from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (+ 1 hour for trophies and prizes).
  2. Limit of 5 bass per team (12" and over, considered "keeper").
  3. Ketch boards and the Yakattack Leader Board will be the only acceptable measuring boards for all Team Brother Fishing tournaments.
  4. The length of the fish must be clearly visible on the ruler, and the measurements must be legible.
  5. The identifier must be visible on the photo.
  6. The fish's mouth must be closed. Failure to do so will result in penalties, up to and including disqualification of the fish.
  7. Electric motors are permitted.
  8. Please maintain a safe distance from other anglers.
  9. PFDs (lifejackets) are mandatory. Removal of lifejackets will result in penalties and/or disqualification.
  10. Amendments to the rules may be mentioned at the fishermen's meeting on the morning of the event.
  11. Only artificial lures are permitted. No live bait, preserved bait, or prepared bait will be allowed during the competition. In the event of a violation, disqualification from the event will be enforced.

Photo Regulations:

  1. The fish should be positioned on the ruler, head to the left, resting on the fence, dorsal fin up (see photo below).
  2. The official TBF identifier, as well as the event identification code, must be fully visible. If the judge is unable to validate the ID, the photo will be rejected.
  3. The fish must be alive. Any violation will result in rejection of the photo and possible disqualification.
  4. Validate the length of your prose on the photo before submitting it. The judge will assign the maximum length he's sure of and/or your shot may be rejected.
  5. The lower jaw or lip must be in contact with the barrier of the rule. Failure of the judge to validate will result in a minimum penalty of one inch and/or may disqualify the submission.
  6. The entire fish, from its mouth/jaw to the tip of its caudal fin (tail), must be visible in the photos (unless hand coverage is authorized). In addition, at least one one-inch increment of the measuring board must be clearly visible to make an accurate length determination (example: if the fish measures 17.75 and the 17 is covered, the 18 mark must be clearly visible). If either end of the fish is covered or cut, the photo may be rejected at the judge's discretion.
  7. Competitors' kayaks must be clearly visible in all eligible photos. Failure to do so will result in rejection of the photo submission. Kayaks must have been launched and in motion to be eligible for submission. While photos are being taken, the kayak must not be in or on the competitor's vehicle or trailer.

Hand position - We recommend taking the photo with the hand as centred on the fish as possible. Hand placement should respect the following guidelines:


  1. No part of the hand may pass through the gill plate. Failure to do so will result in rejection of the photo submission (NOTE: accidental contact with the outer part of the gill plate will not result in rejection of the photo).

  2. The competitor's hand must be positioned so as to offer an unobstructed view of the fish's eye. Any obstruction or covering of the fish's eye will result in refusal to submit the photo.
  3. The hand must be placed in front of the caudal peduncle (fleshy, scaly part of the fish's body at the base of the caudal fin). The competitor's hand must not come into contact with any part of the caudal peduncle beyond the rear edge of the fish's dorsal or anal fin. Failure to do so will result in refusal to submit the photo.



  1. Open mouth: Deduction of 0.50 inch**.
  2. Lip or tail not touching the board: No points.
  3. Hand touching the eye: No points.
  4. Hand touching the gills : No points.
  5. Hand touching any part of the tail: No points.
** To ensure that the mouth is considered closed, both the upper lip and the jaw must be in contact.


We aimed to streamline the login process for recording catches by introducing a quick login feature. To access it, locate the Team Brother Fishing (TBF) logo in the top left corner of the home page. It is similar to the one located above the Old Town Sportsman logo.

Click on the TBF logo, and you will be redirected to a login page. After logging in, you will be directed straight to the catch submission page for the ongoing tournament.